The Ontario government has released the final decision on proposed amendments to O. Reg. 63/09. For golf courses, the annual public meeting has been eliminated, but annual notification of neighbors and the Ministry has been added, if you do not have a fence around the...
16 April, 2020
We have been notified that concerns about the COVID-19 virus has caused the cancellation of a few educational events. There are several on-line courses available to earn required CECs before the May 31, 2020 deadline for renewing your IPM Agent registration. To check the status...
16 March, 2020
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP) has posted proposed changes to O. Reg. 63/09, the Cosmetic Pesticides ban. They are removing the Ontario-specific classification of pesticides and accepting the federal classification system. They are proposing to keep the Cosmetic Pesticide Ban...
28 October, 2019
Since Sept. 4, 2018, applying for and renewing pesticide licences in Ontario is now done on-line. Applicants and those needing to renew existing pesticide licences need to create ServiceOntario and Ministry accounts. More details can be found here. The Ministry has created an instructional video...
18 October, 2018
Attached are the full re-evaluation decisions recently released by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada, after their review and consultation process for chlorothalonil and iprodione. The sections specific to use on turfgrass have been highlighted in yellow.
Chlorothalonil use has been restricted to twice per...
05 July, 2018
For your convenience, starting this 2018-2019 registration year, both the IPM Certified Agent and Golf Facility Registration fees will be paid to the credit of University of Guelph. This means that the fees can be combined and credit card payments will be accepted. You can expect an...
16 April, 2018
The 2017 version of the Protection Guide for Turfgrass, OMAFRA Publication 384 is now available for downloading here. This document provides recommendations for the control of diseases, insects and other pests of turfgrass and has been updated to include a list of pesticides classified for...
02 November, 2017
The MOECC has clarified the acceptable uses of glyphosate on golf courses as follows:
Glyphosate is allowed for use on golf course playing surfaces and this would include spot treating weeds in roughs. The Class 9 pesticide glyphosate is allowed for use on the following areas of...
24 May, 2015